2 States – A very OK watch.



By far, the most hyped movie in Bollywood is 2 states, based on novel(true story 😛 ) by Chetan Bhagat. Its a love story of Tam Bram girl and a punjabi boy and the hurdles they go through to get married.

I must say Chetan Bhagat knows how to cater his audience. He knows of his readers very well and what they could relate to most. All his books are made for commercial cinema. Isn’t there at least one love story we all have seen where one party is from the south india and the other party is from the north and each one of will relate to at least some part of the story. I must say i liked the reading the book more than watching the movie or may be the movie just made me realize how average the story actually was. I still would defend chetan bhagat when people call him a blot on the english literature, I feel he writes for people who like stories, who enjoy the simplicity of the english language. If you are really looking a fantasy novel or a national issue or a serious mystery or a piece of literature do not pick his books. He is an author not a novelist.


The movie is very neatly made, Alia did a good job, she definitely overshadowed her costar Arjun Kapoor. Amrita Singh and Ronit Roy definitely had a brilliant screen presence. College goers would love it, because maximum love stories happen there and the movie being shot in IIM Ahmedabad, makes it even more attractive, since its most sort after college for MBA aspiring college students. The music is average, my favorite being Chaandaniya by Mohan.

I strongly feel parents should watch the movie, to realize the kind of petty issues they fight about when it comes to marrying their children. If two individuals are settled in their lives they are mature enough to choose their life partners and it is always a safer bet than seeking a spouse for your son/daughter about whom you hardly know anything.The concept of marriages, family has revolutionized itself so much, that the borders/cultures/rituals are almost non existent.

PS:Alya’s clothes be it western or Indian are also worth mentioning and so are the locations they have shot the movie at.